Sunday, July 20, 2008

Motorcycle is nearly resurrected

My motorcycle is nearly resurrected. Today I got the engine back into the frame. Tomorrow I'll be bolting it in; at the moment it's only in position which was my goal today.

I have this idea that most humans are probably stronger than they think. My engine probably weighs 3x of what I do. I carried up a set of stairs. I think this goes to show that, regardless of the fact that other apes are much stronger for their body sizes, humans are still pretty fucking strong. We live in such a cushy world with technologies that make things easier and less painful we don't realize it. And come to think of it the motorcycle itself is a good example of that. Transportation. We could all easily make our way on foot across continents, we did it before. Now we've just gotten lazy.

That's silly. I'm not right in the head for now.

PS: I just read the average pair of shoes lasts from 300-600 miles? That's a huge range really... But anyway. It'd take more than one pair of shoes to walk across the states.

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